012 751 2707 | 065 988 3075 info@centurionchiropractor.co.za

Many people who suffer an injury to a car accident, sports accident or even a fall is not always aware of the extent of the injury. A few years down the line if these injuries are not attended to, can become much worse. Dr Jacques Bezuidenhout at the Centurion Day Clinic can help reduce injury pain with adjustments and the body can start healing naturally.

When you leave a doctors room and he or she has cleared you after a few days of rest, you may think all is well, but many patients still have pain and other problems long after the accident. Even if it is just a small accident that leads to whiplash a minor fracture or a muscle sprain. Visiting your Chiropractor At Centurion Day Clinic can benefit you in a more complete recovery for the years to come.

Chiropractors can help reduce inflammation which is caused when the muscles or ligaments suffer an injury. The welling is the body’s way of trying to heal the affected areas. With a spinal adjustment, the body releases a natural anti-inflammatory that helps reduce the swelling. They are also very skilled in performing certain adjustments which can reduce pain from an accident. It is ok to use painkillers, but with the right treatment, your body can heal itself as it then produces pain-reducing hormones.

Going to a Chiropractor is a non-invasive solution of treatment, as they are highly skilled and experienced and has studied for several years. Procedures are safe for patients of all ages.

Consult Dr Jacques Bezhuidenhout at Centurion Day Clinic if you have suffered a car accident or any type of accident.