012 751 2707 | 065 988 3075 info@centurionchiropractor.co.za

It is a challenge to select a good Chiropractor. The Chiropractic Treatment is a physical procedure, a lot of consideration should be given when choosing the best Chiropractor that knows how to work with joint manipulation.

Recommendations for a Good Chiropractor

A good place to start is to ask a primary care physician like a doctor for their view as competent and trustworthy. It also helps to ask friends, co-workers and neighbours for recommendations. Be careful though, as one person’s definition of the best Chiropractor may be very different from another person’s definition.  While a recommendation can be very valuable, it is still important to find someone who can meet your individual needs. In general, if multiple people recommend the same Chiropractor, chances are good that this person is reliable.

Interviewing a Chiropractor

Before starting any treatments, it is good to have a telephone conversation or request a consultation to learn more about the Chiropractor, the clinic and the techniques that are used. Often the Chiropractor will request a personal consultation to discuss these details and your needs. For most people, it is important to feel comfortable and have an overall positive treatment experience.

Questions to consider asking yourself when looking for a new Chiropractor
• Is the person friendly and courteous?
• Do you feel comfortable talking to the Chiropractor?
• Does he/she answer all your questions that you ask?
• Does he/she listen to your symptoms and treatment concerns or preferences?
• How many years has the Chiropractor been in practice?

All of the above is very important when looking for a Chiropractor, contact Centurion Chiropractor and Jacques Bezuidenhout will happily assist with all your question.