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There are different types of Headaches and causes. Did you know, for example, your bra could be giving you Headaches? Different Headaches can tell you different things about your health.

Tension Headaches
These Headaches are the most common type of Headache, felt like a constant ache on both sides of the head, behind your eyes or sometimes, your neck. This can feel like having a band around your head. If you are stressed, haven’t slept enough or you are hungry, you may start feeling a Tension Headache. Generally, over the counter painkillers are the best way to treat tension Headaches. You can also try lying down in a dark, quiet room or putting a hot flannel on your forehead and neck. If you are still experiencing regular or long-lasting symptoms, then talk to your Chiropractor and they will be able to explore what factors could be contributing to your Headaches.

Headaches Behind The Eyes
Depending on the severity of the pain, a Headache behind the eyes can come as part of a number of different Headaches and is very common. Pain behind the eyes can be a symptom of different types of Headaches including tension Headaches, Cluster Headaches, migraines or eye problems. Treatment will depend on what is causing the pain, but if you are unsure and suffering from long-term or severe Headaches behind the eyes, speak to your doctor or Chiropractor.

Headaches At The Back Of The Head Or Neck
The poor posture that puts a strain on the neck, while whiplash and general wear and tear of the upper spine can both cause Headaches along with neck pain. In terms of treatment, correcting your posture, neck exercises and Chiropractic help.

Dehydration Headaches
Drinking water keeps some Headaches ate bay. When you are dehydrated, your brain temporarily contracts as a result of not having enough fluid, which can result in a Headache. Over the counter, painkillers can help ease the pain, but rehydrating should be your first approach. It is not needed to drink a huge amount at once, and it is best to start by taking small sips of water and then gradually drink more. Within a couple of hours, your Headache should go away, but if it doesn’t, something else may be causing it, e.g. too much caffeine or being stressed.

Almost 15% of the global population suffers from migraines, and they’re the third most popular disease in the world. If you’ve ever had one, you know they are bad and hurt like hell. With a migraine, you will likely have throbbing pain on one side of your head, which can be made worse by movement, and you may also feel nauseous and sensitive to lights and sounds. Some people experience odd sensations including visual changes or pins and needles before the migraine Headache comes on. Unfortunately, there is no cure to these Headaches, but you can manage the symptoms. When you get a migraine, it is best to rest in a quiet, darkened room, applying an ice pack or hot-water bottle to the painful are can help. There are over-the-counter medications that can help with migraines which your local pharmacist can advise you about. Migraines can be triggered by things like alcohol, stress, tiredness and certain foods to try and identify your personal triggers. To reduce your risk of getting a migraine, drink of water, get enough sleep, maintain a healthy diet and avoid skipping meals. If you are still struggling, speak to your doctor or Chiropractor.

Cluster Headaches
Cluster Headaches are also known as suicide Headaches and are a very severe, intense type of headache that usually occurs in bouts of between 6 and 12 weeks. They are often felt on one side of your head, usually around your eye or temple, and you may also get red, watery eyes, drooping or swollen eyelids or a runny nose on the same side as the pain. Also, it is hard to understand why you get these types of Headaches, it is widely believed that they may be linked to an old head injury, as well as heavy smoking or drinking. Over the counter, painkillers won’t usually help with the pain, but your GP or Chiropractor may advise a specific treatment.