012 751 2707 | 065 988 3075 info@centurionchiropractor.co.za

You are telling someone about your new Chiropractor and how much it helped you and they don’t get it. It happens a lot, but it is important to let them understand that a Chiropractor can help them in many ways, and save them on unnecessary medical costs in future.

Myth 1: I don’t need a Chiropractor, I crack my own back
It is highly recommended not to do this. A Chiropractor adjusts the spine with a specific force, direction and joint. It’s unsafe to try and do this yourself.

Myth 2: Chiropractors are expensive
Many chiropractors are already included in your health care plan. At Centurion Chiropractor, our aim is to have quality care available to anyone.

Myth 3: Once you start, you never stop
Each patient is different, thus everyone is recommended for different chiropractic adjustments. Although we recommend you continue your Chiropractor care to help prevent future injury and a general increase in lifestyle, it is all up to you in the end on how many times you want to go for treatment. People choose to come back because the results and benefits are great.

Myth 4: A Chiropractor isn’t a real doctor
Most people are not aware of the educational requirements a person needs to become a Chiropractor. Chiropractors attend over 400 classroom hours and are continuously learning new and better techniques to help their patients.

Myth 5: Adjustments are dangerous and can hurt you
Patients feel immediate relief following an adjustment, so it is a safe, drug-free and gentle therapy for any person and has an excellent safety record. It is not uncommon to experience some soreness or aching, just like you would after working out, in fact that some over the counter medications, anti-inflammatory drugs and painkillers have a greater risk than Chiropractor care.

Myth 5: I just don’t see how a Chiropractor can help me
Chiropractic care isn’t just for back pain! Chiropractors remove misalignments in the spine, allowing the brain and body to communicate more efficiently. This improves nervous system functions which help the body regulate all functions and encourages the body to heal naturally

Contact Dr. Jacques Bezuidenhout Today at the Centurion Chiropractor, and let him show you it is worth it to see a Chiropractor