012 751 2707 | 065 988 3075 info@centurionchiropractor.co.za

Visiting Centurion Chiropractor is a must if you have been injured, even if you don’t feel the injury can be something serious. Your body is important and chiropractic care is the safest, drug-free, surgery-free way to relieve any pain you may feel.

An unavoidable part of life is the potential for car accidents and even collisions with minor damage to the vehicle can cause whiplash. Without treatment, painful scar tissue can form, damaging the sensitive vertebrae in the spine, ignoring the problem can leave you in pain or limited range of movement. At Centurion Chiropractor, we have great alternatives to invasive care.

If you have been in an accident, even one that is small, and you worry you may have damaged something, or have a pain that will not go away visit us at Centurion Chiropractor.