012 751 2707 | 065 988 3075 info@centurionchiropractor.co.za
Chiropractic For arthritis – Can My Chiropractor Help Me?

Chiropractic For arthritis – Can My Chiropractor Help Me?

One of the most debilitating conditions is sure to be arthritis. This condition is a painful condition that causes a large variety of symptoms, especially in the early stages where you might not even notice the warning signs of arthritis. The early signs of arthritis...
Another Pain Killer Or Chiropractic Care?

Another Pain Killer Or Chiropractic Care?

If you have ever experienced back pain, whether it be in the upper back or lower back, this can be debilitating, preventing you from going about your daily routine as usual. Or maybe, you never noticed the pain as bad as you do now since all South Africans where...
Centurion Chiropractor And Electrotherapy

Centurion Chiropractor And Electrotherapy

What is Electrotherapy? This is a treatment method mostly used by Chiropractors to relieve chronic pain conditions, to relax muscles, prevent muscle spasms, increase blood flow, rehabilitate the muscle and improve mobility. Electrotherapy is a treatment option that...
What is Plantar Fasciitis?

What is Plantar Fasciitis?

Plantar fasciitis refers to inflammation of the thick band of tissue that connects your heel to your toes. Plantar fasciitis is one of the common causes of pain experienced at the bottom of our feet. This occurs as a result of overstretched tissue and developing small...
Does Shockwave Chiropractic Treatment Hurt?

Does Shockwave Chiropractic Treatment Hurt?

Shockwave treatment is a chiropractic treatment option for people who have chronic tendinopathies. These painful conditions could be as a result of sport, overuse or repetitive strain. Shockwave therapy has shown to effectively treat the following conditions: • Feet...