012 751 2707 | 065 988 3075 info@centurionchiropractor.co.za

If you have ever experienced back pain, whether it be in the upper back or lower back, this can be debilitating, preventing you from going about your daily routine as usual.

Or maybe, you never noticed the pain as bad as you do now since all South Africans where placed under lockdown. This might be due to stress, or your body’s way of telling you now it is time to take better care of me. Taking yet another pain killer might not be the best solution as these tablets might be habit forming. Have you considered Chiropractic care for your back pain?

These are uncertain times for all of us and pain in the upper or lower back might be due to work related stress (the uncertainty of the unknown). This is more commonly known as Tension Myositis Syndrome. The good news in these uncertain times is that this condition is treatable with Chiropractic care.

Another cause of back pain is spinal stenosis. Spinal stenosis occurs mostly in people over the age of 60 with arthritis. Spinal stenosis is the narrowing of the spinal column and may have an underlying cause (such as a bulging disc or osteoarthritis). Due to the extra pressure put on the spinal cord, this condition can cause pain and other symptoms (including numbness, tingling, spasms, cramps, and weakness). 

There is good news. Spinal stenosis is treatable by chiropractic care. Your chiropractor will identify the underlying issue and treat both these issues with the correct stretches, adjustments or any other treatment they might deem necessary.

Muscle sprains can also cause severe pain in the back. Chiropractic care can help speed up the healing process of a muscle sprain. There are adjustments and massages that can be administered by a professional medical practitioner.

There might be several underlying causes to back pain, so our advice at Centurion Chiropractor will be not to self-diagnose, but rather get it checked out by a medical professional such as Dr Jacques Bezuidenhout from Centurion Chiropractor.

Dr Jacques Bezuidenhout is a Chiropractor situated in Centurion with years of experience in sports injuries and muscle sprains as well as experience in back pain.

After the lockdown, Centurion Chiropractor will be back in full practise and look forward to seeing you there. You can book your appointments online.