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Back Pain Causes can be difficult to diagnose. There are a variety of Back Pain Causes and a wide range of possible treatments of Back Pain Causes. Before you start taking painkillers or agree to surgery, it is very important to determine what is Causing Your Back Pain so you can assess a proper alternative treatment.

Common Back Pain Causes

1. Poor Posture
Whether it is sitting, walking or running, slouching and slumping strains the delicate bones and muscles in your back and can lead to recurring pain.

2. Age and Genetics
Time takes its toll on the body. Adults over 30 are at a higher risk than younger adults for Back Pain Causes because of changes occurring in the body (including loss of bone strength and muscle tone. Seniors are more likely to experience back pain due to osteoarthritis, spinal stenosis and other degenerative disorders.

3. Office and Home Ergonomics
Bad Chairs, improper monitor height and soft couches can contribute to Back Pain Causes in the office and home. Lack of breaks at the office can put us all at risk for a number of health-related issues, from strained eyes, headaches and back aches to stress, musculoskeletal problems and more. And at home, soft couches, bad mattresses and chairs can lead to Back Pain Causes. The amount of time we spend bending down to look at our phones, tablets and TV’s can also contribute to many problems.

4. Lack of Exercise.
Lack of exercise and stretching and a weak core can add to pain and stiffness in the back. Lack of excursive can also be tied to excess weight which can significantly impact back pain.

5. Excess Weight
The heavier you are, the harder your body needs to work to keep itself balanced. Extra few kilos can make your hips tilt forward and misalign your spine, causing strain on your lower back.

6. Clothing and Bags
Too tight clothing: high heels and heavy bags can all have Back Pain Causes for one reason or other. Here are a few things to be aware of when you get dressed in the mornings:
High Heels: Heels can push the body’s centre mass forward, taking the hips and spine out of alignment and placing additional strain on the back, knees, ankles and feet.
Unsupportive Bra: Ill-fitting bras can affect the curve of the spine and lead to upper back problems. Research shows that most women wear the wrong size bra, leading to extensive hunching and straining as compensation for the discomfort.
Heavy Bags: Lugging a heavy backpack, bag or purse around by one strap can cause a shift of weight to one side, leading to neck and muscle spasms, as well as lower back pain.
Sitting on your wallet: Doing this can cause your pelvis to twist, leading to misalignment of the spine and potential sciatic issues.
Worn Out Shoes: Stilettos are hard on your back and flip-flops don’t provide correct support, but even good shoes that have worn out soles could change your posture and the way you walk, making additional Back Pain Causes.

Find out more on Back Pain Causes on our next article. In the meantime, if you feel you have any type of discomfort, contact Centurion Chiropractor and he will diagnose and assist you for a more healthy future.