Did you know that your sleep patterns can have a tremendous effect on your lower back? A poor sleeping position may even be the underlying cause of lower back pain.
Chiropractors are associated with treating pain in the areas of the neck, back and joints and not normally thought of as being experts on sleep issues, studies have shown that one-third of people who have chiropractic adjustments, reported that they experienced immediate sleep improvement. It might be worth adjusting your sleeping habits to finally get rid of that chronic achy back seeing that we spend 1/3 of our lives in our bed.
One of the greatest benefits of receiving chiropractic care is that the treatment is completely drug-free, allowing the body a natural path of healing. Chiropractic adjustments work by helping to place your body in the proper position that then allows the body to heal itself.
Proper sleeping habits (what your chiropractor might refer to as “sleep hygiene”) plays a vital role in the overall treatment of lower back pain. It is estimated that 50-80 % of people with chronic lower back pain experience sleep difficulties.
There are several sleep adjustments your Chiropractor might suggest for the overall treatment of your lower back pain because the nervous system controls every cell and organ in your body, chiropractors focus their attention on the health of the spine being properly aligned.
Choosing the correct pillow is vital. Choosing a pillow with insufficient support of the head and neck can cause overall pain in the body. A good sleeping posture is a key to an overall good night rest. Using an aerated memory foam pillow can be very beneficial. Memory foam adapts to your weight, distributing your weight evenly throughout the surface. The foam adapts to the shape of your head and neck making this the perfect choice for people suffering from head and neck pain or pressure point that cause irritation or discomfort during sleep.
Does your sleeping position matter when choosing a pillow?
Your sleeping position is the key factor. Side sleepers might need a firmer pillow while stomach sleepers might need a softer pillow to add support under the stomach and pelvis to prevent back pain and back sleepers may need a flatter pillow that lends support to the neck while maintaining the comfort of a comfortable pillow.
Sleeping on your side – Placing a pillow between your knees will serve to keep the pelvis in a neutral position, minimizing compression on the sacroiliac joints, which is a common source of lower back pain.
Ensure that one of your shoulders touches the mattress and your neck is in line with your shoulder and your spine.
Resist the urge to sleep on the same side, whether it is left or right side. Interchanging the side you sleep on, prevents muscle imbalance and even scoliosis.
Why does sleeping on my side help for back pain? The truth is sleeping on your side alone doesn’t aid with an aching back or chronic back pain. Your chiropractor will explain to you that the pillow between your knees acts as a “sitting position” therefore aligning the pelvis and the spine.
Sleeping on your back – ideally the correct position when sleeping on your back would be to elevate your knees a bit by placing a pillow underneath your knees. Elevating the knees ensures that your weight is evenly distributed across the widest area of your body. When your knees are elevated, you place less strain on your back and pressure points. Your spine will be in a neutral position, improving the quality of your sleep and waking up the next morning will be less painful.
Chiropractic care is not a cure for back pain. It aids in assisting the body and the nervous system to function without any hindrance.
Chiropractors will help you remove interferences from the nervous system and prevent any other unwanted conditions.
If you want to take a proactive approach in changing your life, make an appointment at Centurion Chiropractor.
Our focus is to treat the whole person and most importantly keeping you functioning at your full potential.
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